The Best Things to do in Malmö, Sweden for a Day Trip
Malmö is a perfect small yet antique city that can be enjoyed in just a day. It is a charming city that is full of cute architecture and fabulous scenery. It is highly common, and what I did, to take a day trip from Copenhagen to Malmö. It is an easy train ride and spices up your adventurous soul. If you have a few days in Copenhagen, add this day trip to your list. If you are just touring around Sweden, don’t miss out on Malmö even if you stop by for a day.
Copenhagen to Malmö
Our Day Trip to Malmö
We decided to take a day trip to Malmö, Sweden from Copenhagen. We saw everything we wanted to see in Copenhagen, so we decided to venture out to a new city. This trip was spontaneous and unplanned which almost made it even more fun. We got to Malmö before anything really started opening up so we relaxed in a park. And by relaxed, I really mean, we took a nap. Malmö was super safe, and a quiet city, making it perfect for a relaxing day. We decided to spend the day wandering around. We had no plans so we just walked until we stumbled upon something. And we sure did stumble upon some cute stuff!

Slottsmöllan: Castle mill
Castle Mill is a historical smock mill that was discontinued in 1945. Now it is just a beautiful sight to see. It is located in the garden called Kungsparken. This is the garden we relaxed in during the quiet morning hours. It is about a 15-20 minute walk from the train station and is highly doable.

Malmö Castle was founded in 1434 by King Eric. It was then destructed and reconstructed all during the 16th century. This reconstruction is the appearance you will see today. It is the most antique building I have ever seen. At some part in its history, it was a defense against the Danes and housed survivors of the German concentration camps. Now it incorporates a Museum of Art, city history, natural history, and maritime exhibits. It is located just around the corner from Castle Hill in about a five minute walk.

Gamla Staden – Malmo’s Historic District
This district is the cutest mix of old and new buildings. The streets are cobblestone and are surrounded by water. This area has a plethora of shopping, dining, trendy cafes, and many historic locations. It is a sight to see, specifically the insta-worthy alleyways. I highly suggest spending at least half of the day in this community.

Lilla Torg (Little Square)
Located in the Galma Staden neighborhood and about a 5-minute walk from the center is the Lilla Torg Square. It is a square that has been around since 1592 and is in line with cobblestone streets. This is the hot spot for delightful restaurants, cafe terraces, and bars. This is a great place to find something to eat for lunch or dinner. Although, if you are into panini’s and hidden gems, check out the next must-do activity.
Have Lunch at Slottsträdgårdens Kafé
Slottsträdgården is a beautiful garden with plenty of flowers and beautiful natural scenery. You could easily get lost in this garden as there is so much to see. The best part of it is how relaxing and peaceful it feels. I highly suggest taking time to explore this beautiful location. Plus if your are hungry, I suggest having lunch at Slottsträdgården Kafe for a nicely crafted panini. It was so wonderful to relax in the gardens while eating a well-made panini. There is outdoor seating located in the depths of the garden and many special treats on the menu to choose from besides paninis. This was my favorite part of Malmo so definitely don’t skip it, even if you go for a quick bite of dessert.

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