Your Favorite Flight Attendant
I might not be your favorite flight attendant but may I have your attention? This Flight Attendant blog post is going to be quick and easy. Are you interested in the Flight Attendant lifestyle? If so, this is the right place for you. In the following travel posts, I will show you the good parts, the bad parts, and the ugly parts of being a Flight Attendant. You will see anywhere from informational posts to fun female travel experiences as a Flight Attendant.
How long does it take to become a Flight Attendant? Well, I became a Flight Attendant back in 2018 after a 6 week unpaid intensive training. After college and moving home, I was feeling post-graduation depression. Knowing how much of a wanderlust soul I had and feeling stuck in the town I grew up in, I looked into becoming a Flight Attendant. I applied, I got the interview, I got a job offer, and I still wasn’t sure whether I was going to do it or not.
After a long consideration and a 2 weeks notice for my previous job, I found myself on a flight to Flight Attendant Training in Dallas, Texas. I wasn’t sure what to expect nor did I think that it would turn my life around. But it sure did…
Sometimes you Just Have to Go for It
I am very excited to share with you all the travel and airplane experiences I have had and will have. If you ever have any questions, don’t hesitate to direct message me. The Flight Attendant life will bring you anything from airport travel tips or guides to get you through your first long-haul flight. Buckle in! And no, I never get sick of those office views featured below.
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