The 10 Best States to Visit During the Spring
Cheers to it being spring again, or at least sooner than later! Good weather is upon us which means it is time to break out of our hibernation and travel. What better way to travel than to experience everything the United States has to offer. For reference for those reading it abroad, spring for us usually ranges from March-May. It is the perfect time to escape the cold and enjoy some southern destinations before it gets too hot. Or even to enjoy some last-minute ski trips. After reading this post you will know the 10 best states to visit during spring making it easy to plan your spring getaway.
Spring is Upon Us
Average Temperature: Southern Cali: 69°F to 75°F + Northern Cali: Highs range from 86.3°F (30.2°C) and 63.8°F (17.7°C)
Busiest tourist season: June-August

Average Temperature: High of 75°F/24°C
Busiest tourist season: December- February, and March-May


North Carolina
Now this one is a personal favorites because I used to live in Charlotte. The spring weather was my favorite because it was mostly always sunny and a perfect 75. It is so enjoyable to be outside at breweries or go hiking in Boone. You can even head to the Outerbanks for some sunshine but it may be a little on the colder side than say Florida weather.
Average Temperature: Low temperatures at 51°F and high at 71°F.
Busiest tourist season: February, March, and June

Hiking near Charlotte

Speaking of Florida if you are looking for a beach and winter getaway this is the perfect place for you. The humidity isn’t too crazy yet so it is way more enjoyable than the summer. If you want the hottest weather though the more south you should go, like south beach Miami. I would suggest, however, staying away from the panhandle it is cold, foggy, and rainy there usually in the spring.
Average Temperature: in the low 80s (20-22C)
Busiest tourist season: mid-November to mid-April


South Carolina
Bringing it back to the Carolina’s because Charleston is the perfect city to explore when it’s not hot out. Spring will be perfect weather for you and such a treat!
Average Temperature: high of 74°F and lows of 62°F
Busiest tourist season: September- November


Average Temperature: Low of 65 degrees F (18 C) and an average high of 80 degrees F (26 C)
Busiest tourist season: June – August


This is going to be the perfect destination for you if you want to get outside and explore. The spring for Oregon means fields are in full bloom and the most beautiful! Some of the best flowers fields you will find are: Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival, Adelman Peony Gardens, Oregon Lavender Farm, Poppy Fields, Sunflower Fields, Dahlia Festival.
Average Temperature: Low of 50 degrees F (18 C) and an average high of 60 degrees F (26 C)
Busiest tourist season: June – August


I like going to Nevada during the spring because it isn’t crazy hot out. Plus if you are headed to Las Vegas the pool parties will be in full swing but won’t be uncomfortably crowded. I went to Las Vegas in June for a music festival and never ever want to experience it in the summer ever again, it’s so hot. Plus you can go to the Death Valley with it not quite reaching 100 degrees.
Average Temperature: 68°F to 94°F
Busiest tourist season: January, February, July


Magic Mountains
The temperatures are perfect and bearable and definitely will allow you to escape the cold. In New Orleans, there are also many incredible festivals to attend in the spring. Some include April’s french Quarter Festive and the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival.
Average Temperature: 54°F to 80°F
Busiest tourist season: May-July


Washington DC
This is a crowd favorite because the Cherry Blossoms this time of year are in full effect and they are absolutely stunning. Although the temps aren’t as beautiful as the southern states, they still aren’t too bad to bear. Plus you can explore the city without it being too crowded.
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