United States Travel Guide

Embarking on a journey across the United States? Dive into this essential travel guide! The recent pandemic has deepened my appreciation for the diverse beauty of my homeland. When international travel was on hold in 2020, discovering the vast landscapes, vibrant cities, iconic landmarks, and rich tapestry of cultures within the U.S. had been an unexpected treasure. This experience has transformed my perspective, making me cherish the incredible variety and cultural heritage that the United States has to offer. Whether you’re a domestic explorer or an international visitor, the U.S. promises an adventure filled with discovery and awe.

Admittedly, my perspective might be tinted with a bit of bias but it’s hard to deny that the United States really does have everything. From a range of climates and landscapes to the contrast between bustling metropolitan areas and serene rural towns, the diversity is unmatched. Whether you’re carving down the slopes in the Rocky Mountains, savoring lobster rolls in New England, or feeling the intense heat of Death Valley’s desert, the U.S. offers an experience for every type of traveler. Below, you’ll find my picks for the top cities to visit in the U.S., but keep in mind, there’s so much more to explore! For additional insights and travel tips, stay tuned for upcoming blog posts or hit me up directly on Instagram for personalized recommendations.

Find Your Adventure
Best Cities to Visit
  • New York, New York
  • Los Angeles, California
  • Chicago, Illinois
  • San Francisco, California
  • New Orleans, Louisiana
  • Las Vegas, Nevada,Β 
  • Miami, Florida
  • Savannah, Georgia
  • Seattle, Washington
  • Boston, Massachusetts
  • Austin, Texas
  • Sedona, Arizona
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Typical costs of Traveling The United States

Traveling to the United States, a vast and diverse country, offers a variety of budget options for visitors.

1. Transporation

Exploring the United States by car is highly recommended, especially if your itinerary includes several destinations. While cities such as New York and Chicago boast efficient subway systems, many other U.S. cities are designed with car travel in mind, making driving or using rideshare services like Uber a convenient option. When considering local transportation or car rental, your daily expenses could range from 50 to 200 USD, depending on the mode of transportation and the distances you plan to cover. Traveling between states in the United States by plane can quickly become expensive, with airfare costs varying significantly based on destination, timing, and airline.

2. Accommodation

Hotel costs in the United States can vary widely, with budget options sometimes located in less desirable areas. Generally, spending around $200 per night on a hotel will likely secure a comfortable and safe accommodation. Increasingly, my preferred choice for stays in the U.S. is Airbnb, which often provides more value than traditional hotels, including access to a kitchen. This can be particularly beneficial for travelers looking to save money by preparing their own meals, offering both a taste of local living and a way to reduce dining out expenses. Hostels are a no-go in America.

3. Food

When it comes to dining out in the United States, the cost can significantly impact your budget, especially if it includes alcohol. The price of meals and drinks varies greatly depending on your location, with smaller towns and cities generally offering more affordable options than their larger counterparts. Cities like New York, San Francisco, San Diego, Miami, and Las Vegas rank among the priciest for food, beverages, and lodging. On average, you might anticipate spending anywhere from 50 to 200 USD per day on meals and drinks, reflecting the diverse range of dining experiences across the country.

Currency: The official currency of the USA is the United States Dollar (USD). As the currency used, there’s no need for exchange rate considerations for domestic travelers. However, international visitors should check the current exchange rate of their home currency against the USD close to their travel date, as rates fluctuate.

Credit Cards & ATMs: In the USA, credit cards are commonly accepted at most shops, restaurants, and hotels, especially in urban areas and tourist hotspots. Nonetheless, carrying a small amount of cash is advisable, as some smaller businesses, local markets, or rural locations may prefer or only accept cash transactions.

Money Saving Tips

Utilize City Passes and Discount Cards: Many U.S. cities offer tourist passes that provide discounted access to multiple attractions, museums, and public transportation. Purchasing a city pass can save you a significant amount of money compared to buying individual tickets for each attraction.

Eat Like a Local: Skip the tourist-trap restaurants and opt for where the locals eat. Food trucks, diners, and local markets often offer delicious and authentic meals at a fraction of the cost. Also, consider taking advantage of happy hour specials for discounted drinks and appetizers.

Stay Outside of Major City Centers: Accommodation in the heart of major cities can be expensive. Consider staying in nearby suburbs or smaller towns and commuting into the city. This can lead to substantial savings on hotels or Airbnb rentals, and you’ll get to explore more of the local area.Β 

United States Travel Suggestion?

Keeping it brief yet impactful, I strongly recommend embarking on a van life adventure or taking an extended road trip across the US. It’s an unparalleled method to explore the breathtaking national parks, charming small towns, and vibrant major cities.

Hello. Goodbye.

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